Email List Profit Secrets

What To Do When You're Overwhelmed By 'What Do I Focus On First?'

Episode Notes

Welcome to Storytelling Secrets! The podcast to help you...

Get more customers. Make MORE per customer & how to keep them coming back ... with the power of the pen…aka selling with your words.

The last 2.5 weeks has been a massive growth phase in my personal and business life. I've transitioned from being just a copywriter to...being an email list manager AND copywriter.

And let me tell ya...

I'm kinda overwhelmed with all the things I need to deliver on. Its requiring my full focus to ruthlessly get clear on what is the most important thing to focus on...and ignore the rest.

Something I know many entrepreneurs struggle with, prioritisation (yep, that's me!).

So in this episode, I  explain what I'm doing to keep myself sane and not  get bogged down in the details.