Email List Profit Secrets

The RIGHT Way To Generate Leads With FB 2-Step Posts

Episode Notes

Here's the thing about most marketing strategies...

They pretty much all work. What I've found from myself (and with working with LOADS of biz owners)...

Is that people normally give up before they've given the strategy a chance.

Now if you use Facebook to generate leads...

Chances are you've seen 2 step bait posts...A LOT. Why? Well, they're extremley effectife at stroking everyone's lizard brain.

What I mean by that is...

A good bait post knows how to trigger a primal want from the zombie scroller. The thing with these posts though is...

You need to know how to follow up correctly in the DM's.

How you open that first message is absolutely crucial. And if you do it the wrong way, don't expect anyone to reply or sign up or whatever.

I once had a post with 200 comments, and only 4 followed through with what they asked for.

It's all in that initial message and in this episode I walk you through what I've found is the right way to open that conversation.


This episode is brought to you by our paid sponsonser that has nothing to do with the podcast...

Lol. Kidding, it's brought to you by ME.

Check out my YouTube channel where I talk about everything related to..

How to get more customers, make more per customer, and keep them coming back with the power of the pen.

I recently dropped a 3 part video series detailing line by line how a VSL I wrote for a client generated $50K.

>>>Here's the link to that series playlist.