Email List Profit Secrets

How To Launch A New Offer... With No Hard Proof??

Episode Notes

How do you sell something with integrity if you don't have any hard results to back up your claims?

How do you get people to believe what you're saying?

About a year ago, I had this dilemma with a client project. They were starting a new business venture with no hard 'ROI results' to back up their claims.

This was a problem because I thought this was the master key in order to suspend people's disbelief when you present a pitch...

So I had to come up with other ways to help suspend disbelief in the minds of my client's prospects.

And now...

This simple email funnel is doing (I just found out) A MILLION PER MONTH!

And we barely have any testimonials to back up our claims.

So what was the secret sauce??

In this episode, I give you three different ideas to help you discover that for yourself.