Email List Profit Secrets

Double Your Email Open Rates & Get Out of The Gmail Promo Tab | Troy Ericson

Episode Notes

This guy's story is crazy.

3 years ago he made 32K in his business.

The next year 300K.

Then in 2021, he went on to doing multiple 6 figures per month.


Well my guest today, Troy Ericson knows how to do two things really well.

  1. Get people out of the Gmail promo tab
  2. Help them sell more with e-mail.

I got Troy on the show today because he’s mastered a skill I’m currently working on…

It’s called List Management.

The goal of that skill??

Build the relationship with that list…and suck as much money out of it with good e-mails.

And on today’s conversation, we cover a bunch of useful topics you could implement in an afternoon to see results - I did!

Here’s what we talk about!

**3 easy ways to double your open rates. Troy and I discuss easy ways to improve your email deliverability overnight.

**The perfect reactivation campaign to revive a dead email list. If a portion of your list is unresponsive, listen closely to Troy’s email series idea to get people back onto your list and re-engage.

**How to find your pillar e-mail content…without guessing or making any assumptions. You’ll hear the simple email to send out that virtually gets your subscribers to hand you the problems they want solved.

